Beginning with the logo.
Our main goal for the logo was to make it more social friendly. That meant bolder and simpler. The original logo arch was based off of a traditional Hawaiian canoe house, so we selected a related source of inspiration for the new logo: a traditional Hawaiian canoe paddle.

The updated the color palette was inspired by the traditional murals found in the hotel Lobby.

We designed a new direct mail piece that utilized a modular grid so that the piece could serve as a template for future tactics.

For legibility and best practice, we developed a new modular email template that reduced the amount of copy

project details
Client // Aulani Resort & Spa
Year // 2018
Year // 2018
Art Direction // Natalie Krakirian
Copywriting // John Axtell
Supervising Creative Direction // Marc Brugnoni
Copywriting // John Axtell
Supervising Creative Direction // Marc Brugnoni